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Steiger Stories

The Proudest Green Tractor

MaJeana (Steiger) Hallstrom, daughter of Douglass Steiger, and Peter Christianson, son of Earl Christianson, visited with the WDAY Weather and Ag in Focus (WAG) team, Meterologists Dean Wysocki and Justin Storm, along with Ag Director Bridgette Readel, in Fargo, ND, on August 1, 2023.

Used with permission of WDAY/WAG, Fargo, ND

MaJeana (Steiger) Hallstrom, daughter of Douglass Steiger, and Peter Christianson, son of Earl Christianson, visited with the WDAY Weather and Ag in Focus (WAG) team, Meterologists Dean Wysocki and Justin Storm, along with Ag Director Bridgette Readel, in Fargo, ND, on August 1, 2023. They provided information about the Steiger Heritage Club and the new book, The Green Steiger Tractor Story. They also shared Steiger history stories as they recall them, either from their personal experience or from stories told to them by their fathers. (Note: As is often the case in interview situations, accuracy cannot always be guaranteed.)

Link: The proudest Green tractor | WDAY Radio (