Steiger Tractor Exhibitions and Events
You can see vintage and collectible Steiger Tractors at the following venues.

Western MN Steam Threshers Reunion
Every Labor Day Weekend (Friday – Monday)
When you buy your tickets and enter the main (north) gate of the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion, you step inside the Mark Yaggie STEIGER HERITAGE HALL, which is a replica of the Steiger barn where Steiger tractors were built from 1957 to 1971. This impressive facility was built and donated by David and Jeri Yaggie in 2019 in memory of their son, Mark. David and Mark farmed together and owned several Steiger and CaseIH “Steiger” tractors.
The Steiger Heritage Club supports the Mark Yaggie STEIGER HERITAGE HALL by maintaining the area in and around the building. More importantly, they arrange to have a very impressive display of Steiger tractors; these include Steiger #1(also known as Barney), the first Model 105 built and sold to a customer, the first 2200 produced, Mark Yaggie’s restored 2200, the one and only 2200 Industrial tractor, a 1700, and a 1250, an 850 Logger, and other “guest” Steiger tractors.
We are very excited that WMSTR will be featuring Steiger Tractor History in 2026!

Bonanzaville, USA
Cass County Historical Society
Bonanzaville, USA, is a history museum complex in West Fargo, North Dakota. Bonanzaville houses Steiger #1, a Model 105 (Steiger #4), a Tiger, and a Cougar. Bonanzaville is open year round but with limited hours during the fall, winter, and early spring.
Bonanzaville is the museum of the Cass County Historical Society; it is made up of forty buildings on 12 acres, many historic and from the region. These buildings have been moved to the museum grounds and now form a village setting. Most of the buildings have a special theme. Displays include a prairie church, a general store, a drug store, a fire station, Fargo’s first house, and a schoolhouse. There are also several newer buildings which have been constructed on the grounds including an aircraft museum and an automobile museum.
1351 Main Ave W,
West Fargo, ND 58078
Phone: (701) 282-2822

Red Power Roundup
June 25th–27th, 2026 in Huron, SD
The South Dakota Chapter (Chapter 21) of the International Harvester Collectors’ Club (IHCC) is hosting the 2026 Red Power Roundup. The Steiger Heritage Club will be there to help Chapter 21 tell the Steiger story for the first time at a Red Power Roundup.

Anticipate a Steiger Extravaganza in 2026! Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion
September 4th–7th in Rollag, MN
The 2026 “Grand Finale” of Steiger exhibitions will take place in Rollag. The WMSTR and the Steiger Heritage Club will be featuring a spectacular showcase of Steiger tractors. Owners and collectors are invited to display their prized Steiger Tractors. We want to show Steigers that span the decades, ranging from the iconic Barn Series of the 1960s to the robust 1000 Series of the mid-to-late-1980s and beyond—including red Case IH Steigers.
Stay tuned for more information over the next two years.